
The ODU Libraries are committed to ensuring equal access to information and resources for all members of the academic community.  All ODU Libraries are outfitted with a variety of spaces and furniture to accommodate the needs of users with disabilities.

For information on accessible parking on the ODU Norfolk campus, please consult Transportation and Parking Services directly. Information can also be found on their website.

All enrolled ODU students with disabilities who would like to request accommodation support are strongly encouraged to register with the Office of Educational Accessibility, located in Room 1021 in the Student Success Center (south wing of Perry Library.) Information about disability services for students and the link to the registration form are available at

Students registered with the Office of Educational Accessibility (OEA) who need to use adaptive/assistive technology may reserve room 1309 at the Perry Library Help Desk in the Learning Commons on the 1st floor. This room was recently refurbished by the ODU Libraries with assistance from OEA and includes adjustable seating, scanners, large print/high contrast keyboards, a portable Pearl reading camera, Windows computers with JAWS Fusion, OpenBook, Kurzweil 1000, Kurzweil 3000, and ABBYY FineReader.

Library users with permanent or temporary disabilities that prevent them from retrieving materials can request materials be mailed to their home addresses using ODU Libraries’ Interlibrary Loan (ILL) services.

On-demand retrieval is available from the help desks at the Perry Library, the Elise N. Hofheimer Library, and the Diehn Composers Room during regular opening hours. On-demand retrieval may be limited in cases of low staffing. Users who wish to pick up materials at the Perry Library Learning Commons Help Desk are encouraged to email a list of items including the title, author, and call number to

Staff at the Perry Library Help Desk are available to assist users with accessibility needs. Users with extended research needs should either contact a Subject Specialist, use the Research Appointment request form, or call the Perry Library Help Desk 757-683-4178 to make an appointment for assistance.

Individuals with low or limited vision, or other sensory impairments including deafness, who may need access to alternative formats or assistive technology for research access are encouraged to share their access request information at the time of appointment request. Libraries staff may consult with the Office of Educational Accessibility about potential accommodation assistance if needed.

Electronic library materials, such as electronic books, journal subscriptions, and databases are purchased from third-party vendors.  The ODU Libraries attempts to obtain materials that are accessible whenever possible. A variety of databases provide audio features that read articles aloud or have an HTML version of the article that can be used with screen readers.  You can usually locate the audio link from the full record in the database. For instruction on specific databases, please consult the appropriate liaison librarian.

ODU-affiliated users with visual disabilities may request scans of research materials the Libraries do not own via Interlibrary Loan. The Libraries’ lending partners may be able to exceed copyright limitations on scanning for such requests when they are for the exclusive, individual use of an individual with a disability (per Section 121 of U.S. Copyright Code and Section 5.5 of the Interlibrary Loan Code.)

Libraries staff may also be able to deliver the full text of electronic books from HathiTrust to users with visual or print disabilities. Requests should be submitted to the Office of Educational Accessibility. Victoria Heiduschke, Head of Learning Commons & Branch Libraries, is the ODU Libraries’ HathiTrust Designated Service Provider and can answer questions about the process.

In certain cases, the Office of Educational Accessibility may be able to provide an electronic version of required course textbooks. Submit the request form online to request an e-book of your text.

Note that the Libraries does not supply wheelchairs or other mobility devices for public use. Users who may need assistance with physically navigating the library should plan to bring their own mobility device and/or assistant, as appropriate. To arrange for additional accommodation, ODU students may contact the Office of Educational Accessibility; ODU faculty and staff should contact the office of Institutional Equity and Diversity. After business hours, users may need to contact local emergency services. Libraries staff will not help with lifting, transferring, or otherwise transporting users with disabilities.

Trained service animals, dogs and in some cases miniature horses, are permitted in the Libraries when assisting a user with a disability. All other animals including emotional support animals (aka therapy or comfort animals) not recognized under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are not permitted in the Libraries. More information about service animals at ODU is available from the Office of Educational Accessibility:

On 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors may be reserved by single users registered with the campus Educational Accessibility Office through the Room Reservation System for quiet study or test taking.

Reservations may be made for up to 2 hours per person/per day and up to one week in advance. All rooms have a 40" monitor with hookups for PC and MAC laptops. Cables can be checked out from the Perry Library Help Desk on the 1st floor.

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